Technology and System
Fortune Engineering PLC is a leading Technology, Energy and Infrastructure provider in Ethiopa.

As a Technology & System is a complete Audio Visual integration solution company; we plan, design and implement AV solutions that meet our client’s needs and requirements for optimized performance. Fortune Engineering provides a complete range of branded audio visual and automation products including Audio and Video sources, processing, routing and destination devices, conferencing equipment and control systems. From concept and site surveys to implementation and completion, we work closely with our client to create, design and fine-tune audio video control solutions that fulfill requirement, while ensuring ease of operation, maintenance and up-gradation.

Audio-Visual Conferencing Solutions:
- Telepresence – High Definition Video and Voice. Telepresence solution that is standard-based and interoperable with traditional video.
- Video Conferencing (VC) – Large and Small scale
- Multi-Party Audio Conferencing
- Digital Conference Systems- Conference that offers highest quality audio and video in a truly immersive environment
- Auditoriums and Convention Centers Seamless visual and transparent technology makes this the best experience in any dynamic room.
Broadcast and Communication

As a Technology & Systema is a complete Audio Visual integration solution company; we plan, design and implement AV solutions that meet our client’s needs and requirements for optimized performance. Fortune Engineering provides a complete range of branded audio visual and automation products including Audio and Video sources, processing, routing and destination devices, conferencing equipment and control systems. From concept and site surveys to implementation and completion, we work closely with our client to create, design and fine-tune audio video control solutions that fulfill requirement, while ensuring ease of operation, maintenance and up-gradation.
Studio Service

Creation and monitoring tools:
Hear and see exactly how a mix will sound when played back on consumer’s TV or AV.
Efficient multichannel encoding:
Support broadcast and Over-the-top (OTT) content delivery.
Professional Reference products:
Quality control and automatic validation of source media for multi-channeling.
Innovative loudness solutions:
Control loudness levels and tailor audio to consumer’s replay environment.
Comprehensive software applications:
Blu-ray, DVD-Video, and DVD-Audio content.
Pro-audio solutions:
Support for fast rollout, rapid market adoption and dramatic user experience. Audiences are increasingly looking for personalization with quality, time and medium.

Media Solution
- Encoding and Transcoding
- Content delivery
- Content publishing solutions
- Content monitoring and social media analytics (broadcast and IPTV monitoring, social media monitoring)
- Content Monetization solutions
- Media Asset management, archival and DRM
- Encoding and transcoding
Satellite Broadcast Solution
To strengthen any broadcast infrastructure, we provide:
- Studio and Production House setup
- News room automation
- Content creation, collection, editing and managing
- Master control automation
- RF solution/OB integration/DSNG
- Online Archiving and Library management
- Media Asset Management, content storage and security
- Radio systems

Joint Venture
Fortune Engineering’s Technology & System, together with China’s Sichuan Tianyi Comheart Telecom, is currently doing an evaluation and a feasibility study for a cable production. A joint venture for manufacturing copper and fiber optic cable locally is in the process.
News Room Computer System
- Global standard News Room automation services
- End-to-end video production and all hardware components
Fortune Engineering’s Technology & System Telco services provide high-speed data transmission services, solutions for wireless communications including radio and satellite communication, and Internet and broadband technologies. At Fortune Engineering, we design a telecom network infrastructure. We install complex electronic switching systems like Copper wire telephone facilities, Optical fiber cabling and IP data system. We design the installation of telecommunication equipment and facility.
We install complex electronic switching systems likeCopper wire telephone facilities, Optical fiber cabling and IP data systems
Our Services
- Designing routers, switches, multiplexers and specialized computers
- Designing, deploying and maintaining computer networks
- Designing and overseeing the implementations of telecommunications equipment
- Designing the structure and placement of cellular towers telephone poles
- Designing the resistance, capacitance and inductance (RCL) to ensure telephone service is clear and crisp and data service is clean and reliable
- Integrating new technology into existing network
Building Automation and Control

Building automation describes the functionality provided by the control system of a building. A Building Automation System (BAS) is an example of a distributed control system. The control system is a computerized intelligent network of electronic devices designed to monitor and control the mechanical and lighting systems in a building. Further, it can be categorized as BMS.
Building Management System
Fortune Engineering offers fully integrated, fully interoperable systems. System integration with CGC means bringing together various building systems and services on single platform and combining the best controls from various devices – collecting data on DDC’s sending the same to Central Command Control Center with unparalleled building automation systems and support.
The result is centralized and comprehensive building management – operated, controlled and monitored by an operator knowing what’s happening in and around the entire building and taking necessary corrective actions. Industry-leading solutions come from an unflagging dedication to provide open system and seamless integration of fire/life safety, security, lighting and other HVAC controls.
Fortune Engineering is building its partnership with Honeywell, the founding member of BACnet and a leading manufacturer and pioneer of Building Automation Systems. We are perfectly positioned to meet multi-site needs by identifying all the costs of owning and operating a Building Automation System and then ensuring these costs are well defined and designed in, rather than left to chance.

Physical Security

As a one-stop solution and service provider of integrated security solutions, Fortune Engineering offers total physical security solutions, including consulting, designing, project management, installation and commissioning, maintenance, servicing the system as well as training thus fully equipping our clients against dangers to lives and properties.
Fortune Engineering brings the latest, reliable and proven technologies available internationally utilizing our strong partnerships with leading global players that are established providers in the key infrastructure security markets. We are not committed to any particular technology, and are capable and flexible enough to offer our clients customized solutions as per their requirements integrating myriad of innovative security technologies.

Video Surveillance
Fortune Engineering CCTV solution suite includes wide variety of camera offerings, which include:
- Analogue Cameras
- IP and IR Cameras
- Thermal Cameras
- Digital Video Recorders
- Network Video Recorders
- Video Management Systems
- ISCSI-bases Video Storage Solutions
- Tape-based Backup Systems
Access Control
Access Control is a mechanism by which a system grants or revokes the right to access some data or application or perform some action. It enables an authority to control access to areas and resources in a given physical facility or computer-based information system. Application of access control usage covers serial controllers, serial main and sub-controllers, serial main controllers and intelligent readers, serial controllers with terminal servers, network-enabled main controllers, IP controllers and IP readers.

Life Safety Systems

Meeting your life safety and lighting control requirements. Fortune Engineering has partnered with world leaders in life safety systems. We offer a wide range of products and services to cater to your every need in life safety systems.
Whether it is fire alarm, fire suppression or emergency lighting, we have the expertise to support you in design, implementation and maintenance of all your life safety systems.

Fire Alarm and Fire Supervision System
We offer complete design and implementation of your building requirement for fire alarm system. Our engineering design division is capable of handling all sizes of large projects whether it is residential, hotel, hospital, commercial building or oil and gas projects.
Our product offerings have complete civil defense and all relevant international approvals.
Public Address System

We provide sound system design and development for any application or facility of all size. Our convention hall, parliament and meeting-room facilities can range in size from a 6 people video-conferencing room in a corporate boardroom to a 350,000 square foot convention hall. The acoustic criteria may differ for the two extreme sizes, but the importance of good acoustic doesn’t. If proper reflection control and room decay aren’t provided, a teleconference or video conference room can sound terrible to the people on the other end of the audio link. A key part of the audiences’ perception of the quality of a performing arts venue is the quality of its reinforcement and playback system.
We design solutions in this area to cover acoustics, sound reinforcement, playback and stage monitoring systems. We also design and specify sound and A/V presentation systems for meeting rooms and convention hall facilities ranging from simple public address systems to interpretation systems and multi-room combining control packages. As an option we can design just the A/V cable infrastructure to support the clean and fast installation of rental A/V equipment where there will be no permanent A/V equipment.
Digital Content and Learning System

Digital Content
Digital Content is one of the areas in which Fortune Engineering’s Technology & System is developing to engage in, through the collection, storage and dissemination of relevant content to the relevant audience. Due to the small proportion of social media users, Ethiopia lags behind in digital content delivery. Most of the content creation, archive and distribution is done manually by traditional means. Content owners and content creators have a problem delivering their contents to the end user. We, at Fortune Engineering, want to fill the gap between content owners and end users.
Using technology that is adaptable and user friendly, we can make useful and reliable content available rapidly and conveniently to the public. Technology & System taking local settings into account, we can reach rural communities and individuals in their local language and in a friendly and adaptable user interface. Using graphic based information delivery system, we can deliver uncomplicated and locally relevant data. Our system provides content anywhere, anytime, using any device. Whether or not there is electricity, disconnected groups can receive data and always be connected. The benefiter will not just be the public but the government as well and all content owners.
Informational Services: Queue Service Kiosk, Tax Declaration, Tourist Information, Agricultural Market Information, Health Education, National Exam Results, Searches of Book Availability (e-catalogue), Court Information
Transactional Services (Non-Payment Based): Checkout Status of Books, Airline Kiosk (serving for check-ins, License and Registration (without fee), Driving License Application, Trade Registration and Licensing Application, Investment Registration and Application, Vital Registration (birth, death, marriage, divorce) and Application
Transactional Services (Payment Based): Purchase Ticket (transport), Mobile Top-up, Bank ATM, Utility Payment (water, electricity, telephone & other utilities), License and Registration (with fee)
Social Content Delivery platform:
- Agriculture
- Health
- Education (high school and distance education)
- Market Information
- Weather Information
Learning System
Learning System follows a similar idea as digital content such that it makes use of technology to deliver content to the public. However, the type of content and the means of delivery are customized to be used for learning purpose. This applies to agriculture, health, education and other areas where learning takes place, particularly in the rural population where there is limited information exchange. To tackle this problem, the government has deployed tens of thousands of men and women to rural areas for the sole purpose of providing information and education. There are more than 40,000 health extension workers and more than 45,000 agricultural development army working daily to provide information and services to the rural population.
The benefit of digitizing their work is immense. They will be able to deliver their services efficiently and cost effectively, thus reaching more people. We are able to provide a platform that can be used by the government for its healthcare and agricultural development. A platform that helps to provide up-to-date information regarding agricultural production, market information, health care, sanitation, reproductive health, weather and climate information in a cost effective and timely manner. The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education are primary beneficiaries of this system. Other beneficiaries include NGOs and private organizations. Fortune Engineering has partnered with the government, NGOs and private organizations.